About the Parent Council

Welcome to Port Erroll Primary School Parent Council!

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our Parent Council to you.  We are currently made up of 18 parent volunteers and 4 school teaching staff. Within the 18 parent volunteers we have 4 committee roles:

Chairperson: Debi Thompson

Treasurer: Mike Milton

Secretary: Donna Findlay & Debbie Murray

Our AGM is held in September each year and we aim to have one parent council meeting per school term. During the AGM the new parent council will be formed.  We would encourage all parents/carers to come along.

The parent council is a group of parents selected by members of the parent forum to represent all of the parent’s/carer’s views where possible.  Parent councils help parents/carers to become more actively engaged and involved in their children’s learning.  

We can be contacted by email or via our Facebook page.

Email: porterrollpc@outlook.com

The main functions of the parent council are to:

  • Support the school in its work with pupils, in its development and improvement.
  • Support the Head Teacher and the school to understand how to most effectively involve parents/carers in their children’s learning.
  • Represent the views of parents/carers.
  • Encourage links between the school, nursery, parents/carers, pupils and the wider community.
  • Report back regularly to the parent forum.

We understand that some parents may have difficulties in joining the parent council due to work or other commitments but there are others ways in which you can be involved!  You are welcome to come along any parent council meeting or volunteer to help at an event!

As a parent council we also regularly fundraise to enable the school to purchase additional equipment/resources outwith their budget.  In previous years we have raised funds to purchase new iPads, books, new concert stage equipment for the hall and fund the Xmas pantomime to name a few. 

In 2019 we fundraised and sourced funding to purchase much needed outdoor playground equipment for the school. We are delighted that the equipment is now installed, and the children are able to enjoy using this during break times and after school.